Monday, December 13, 2010

Jovanotti Tickets? Check. See Ya in Anacona Italy

I just purchased Jovanotti tickets.  Well technically, bff got this set because I grabbed up Band of Horses tickets -- presale, six months ahead of the show.  Going on the offense, not wanting to risk the show being sold out, I made the impulse click to buy the concert tickets before our plane tickets.  typical.  BOH plays the Paradiso in Amsterdam, February, 2011. I will be there. This event will launch my european expedition, or my PR spin of my quarter life crises. Isn't that what you Americans would call an assumingly bright and intelligent almost 26 year old professional who up and quits her job, drops all sense of security, routine and safety for the complete unknown.  That's what I am about to do -- Jealous? 

Little Did I Know...

I've always known I'm a Writer. Well, today, I decide, I will Write. Right?

Two Attorneys, Same Comment

Earlier that morning, I emailed the Gents - please note tomorrow, and next Tuesday I have a dentist appointment at 8:30 am, be in no later than 10:30 am. Back-up assistant is as follows:

Reply to all <two out of my three bosses> Good Luck.

Why do I need luck at the Dentist?